A collection of pictures showing the variety of the places where our members have worked during their careers.

A collection of pictures showing the variety of the places where our members have worked during their careers.
Neil Yakalis and Wendy Volpatti organised an event at the FM Radio Station to which Ray devoted a lot of his time. The visit on Friday (Friday 8th April 2016) to their tiny Gladesville radio station went really well.
The 12 who visited were Ian Thomas, Robert Askew, Ian McDonald, Neil Yakalis, Wendy Volpatti, John Eades, Laurie McIllree, Greg Martyn, Ray Dowsett, Ray Alford, Ross Beaumont & Robert Brand. There are only 11 in the group photo as Robert Brand needed to leave early. After the visit the group had lunch at the nearby Gladesville RSL club.
Ray Volpatti’s contribution to 2RRR, both from the technical to the operator side, was appreciated by all who came in contact with him. Tributes recorded to be aired are from Robert Brand, Greg Martin, Ray Alford, John Eades & Wendy Volpatti.
The below photo is courtesy of John Eades.
On Friday 15th April 2016 Sabina’s 2RRR show, Jazz and Beyond, which happens on 88.5 FM Fridays, midday till 2pm, celebrated Ray’s involvement in 2RRR and included recordings of some of Ray’s shows as well as Tributes from Robert Brand, Greg Martin, Ray Alford, John Eades & Wendy Volpatti.
The main component of the Tribute to Ray was aired from 1:30pm to 2:00pm.
2RRR can be heard anywhere using an Android or Apple App. http://2rrr.org.au/listen-online/
Maxwell Smith Lang passed away on 27 August 2010. Max was a radio operator on Burns Philp ships and a member of Costal Radio Service from before WWII to 1979. He served in a number of costal radio stations including: Port Moresby, Broome, Sydney, Melbourne, Rabaul, Darwin and Adelaide. Max was OIC in Rabaul, Darwin and Adelaide.
Max transferred from Darwin to Adelaide (McLaren Vale) in early 1968. The McLaren Vale location of Adelaide Radio suited Dad down to the ground – he was able to develop an interest in the local port wines and appreciated the more relaxed lifestyle.
Max welcomed retirement in 1979 and continued to live in picturesque McLaren Vale. With his wife Tod (Florence) he took an active part in the life of the “Vale” as it was known to the locals.
After many years of gently ribbing Tod about her bowling (lawn bowls) Dad took it up with his usual enthusiasm and commitment. He
applied his considerable organising skills and very practical approach to all things in life and the bowling club was no different. He was instrumental in having extensions added to the bowling club and improvements to the greens. He was always a very hands on person keen to become involved. Tod passed away in October 2009. They will both be greatly missed.
Adrian Lang
Registered Address: 805/41 Meredith Street, Bankstown NSW 2200
When: Friday 17 June 2011 at 11.00 am
Where: NSW Bowlers Club
Level 2, 99 York Street, Sydney NSW
All acceptances by Friday 3 rd June 2011
president@otva.com. Telephone or SMS 0411 260542
Please note:The meeting is set down to commence at 11.00 AM sharp.
It will be followed by an optional meal in the dining area 1st Floor commencing 12 noon
(Payment at the dining area entrance)
Please indicate with your RSVP if you intend to join us for lunch for catering purposes
1. Opening and welcome by President Peter Bull
2. A One Minute Silence for those members and friends no longer with us.
3. Apologies
4. Adoption of the Minutes of 54th OTVA AGM
5. The President’s Annual report
6. The Treasurer’s Annual Report
7. Life member nomination
8. Nomination of a returning officer for the OTVA 2011 Committee elections.
9. Election of Officers and Committee for 2011-12
Special note. The position of Treasurer will become vacant. Bernie will not seek re-election.
Duties of the Treasurer are outline it he Newsletter
Members present: Ernie Anthoney, Tom Barker, Ross Beaumont, Peter Bull, Ross Craig, Alex Ebert, Bob Emanuel, Allan Hennessy, Jeff Hindwood, Ray Hookway, Brian Hoschke, Bill Jolly, Colin Kelly, Arthur Major, John McDermott, Ted Miles, Don Montgomery, Keith McCredden, Maurie O’Connor, Geoff Oldman, John Phillips, Trevor Pike, David Richardson, Jim Simpson, Tony Stuart, Cyril Vahtrick, Bernie White, Brian Woods, Neil Yakalis.
Apologies: Chris Bull, Henry Cranfield, Bob Dentskevich, Joe Dingli, John Eades, Fred Kannard, Bob Lions, George Maltby, Noel Martin, John Mattes, Brian Nell, Doug Temperley, Ken Theaker, Brian Tudehope, Attilio Ventura, Will Whyte, Don Withers.
Victorian 54th AGM in 2011
Wednesday 15 June 2011 at 12noon at Legacy House, 2nd floor, 293 Swanston Street Melbourne.
R.S.V.P. to Robert Hall 03 95116969
Email rjmdolphin@optusnet.com.au
Brian commenced with AWA on 14/5/1945 on 48 shillings per week as a Junior. Duties CRO started in Training School 5/5/1947, Telegraph Staff 12/11/1047 and provisionally classified as Telegraphist 3/6/1950 on 456-598 pounds per annum. Brian was appointed as Actg. Senior Telegraphist on 12/1/1957. Brian commenced Phototel duties on 22.9.1958 and carried on those duties until the demise of phototelegrams and was an AREA CONTROLLER until his resignation in 1986 for a job too good to refuse.
FUNERAL SERVICE: The funeral service was held at Springvale Botanical Cemetery on 26th May 2011 and about 25 in attendance including OTVA Members Robert & Judith Hall, Geoffrey Whitmore and Michael Murray. Our sincere sympathy to his wife Betty and children Sharon and Michael and family.
Registered Address: 805/41 Meredith Street, Bankstown NSW 2200
When: Friday 17th June 2011 at 11.00 am
Where: NSW Bowlers Club
Level 2, 99 York Street, Sydney NSW
Please note: All acceptance by Friday 3 rd June 2011. RSVP to: president@otva.com. Telephone or SMS. 0411 260542.
Please note: The meeting is set down to commence at 11.00 AM sharp. It will be followed by an optional meal in the dining area 1st Floor commencing 12 noon. (Payment at the dining area entrance) Please indicate with your RSVP if you intend to join us for lunch for catering purposes.
1. Opening and welcome by President Peter Bull
2. A One Minute Silence for those members and friends no longer with us.
3. Apologies
4. Adoption of the Minutes of 54d OTVA AGM
5. The President’s Annual report
6. The Treasurer’s Annual Report
7. Life member nomination
8. Nomination of a returning officer for the OTVA 2011 Committee elections.
9. Election of Officers and Committee for 2011-12
Special note. The position of Treasure will become vacant. Bernie will not seek reelection.
Duties of the Treasure are outlined in the Newsletter
The President vacates the chair for the election of officers. (Incumbents shown.)
President (Peter Bull)
Vice Presidents (Henry Cranfield & Will Whyte)
Secretary (Will Whyte)
Treasurer (Bernie White)
Auditors (Ken Theaker and Tony Farrugia)
Committee (Peter Bull, Henry Cranfield, John Eades, Bob Emanuel, Colin Kelly Allan Hennessy, Ray Hookway, Bob Murray, David Richardson, Bernie White, Will Whyte.)
10. Address from the incoming President.
11. General Business
Will Whyte
Hon Secretary 23 May 2011.
We still seek urgent contributions to our Newsletter, web- site and Blog. It is only by your inputs that they will become more interesting and we need them NOW.
Please send contributions to:
Newsletter Editor:
Bob Emanuel E-Mail: editor@otva.com
Phone: 0412 062 236 or 02 4787 5558
From Robert Hall
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