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John Grosbard passed away peacefully at the age of 98 on Tuesday 7th April 2020

08 Apr 20
Peter Bull

Michael Grosbard, son of John Grosbard whose last posting prior to his retirement was the Paddington ITMC, has reported that John passed away peacefully at the age of 98 on Tuesday 7th April at Killara Gardens Aged Care Facility.

John was very much loved by his wife, Hope, who is still going strong at 97 as well as Michael and his wife, Jools, and their daughters, Jessica and Emma, and their extended family.

He always spoke highly of his work colleagues and wonderful times working at OTC in Paddington. Once he retired Michael and John started a technology related business in which Michael and John were closely involved for many years.

His family will miss him dearly.

May He Rest In Peace


  1. Peter Bull April 8, 2020 at 4:51 pm

    For many years John Bennett (Sydney) used keep in contact with him but not recently.

    John Grosbard was one of the loveable “rouges” of OTC, eh!

    There’s a whole host of Grossy stories, I am sure you know a lot of them.

    Kevin O’Brien

  2. Peter Bull April 9, 2020 at 9:38 am

    I will always remember Grossie with much fondness.

    When he was the STO on shift it was a fun shift.

    What a character he was, always with a joke at hand and an eye on what should be done for the communal evening shift dinner.

    I am sad to hear this.

    Jim Hulme

  3. Peter Bull April 9, 2020 at 12:35 pm

    John was one of the really nice guys

    I remember from Paddo as a trainee.

    You lose perspective on age as I was surprised how old he was.

    I will keep him in my memory

    Cheers Bob Murray

  4. Peter Bull April 9, 2020 at 12:42 pm

    WOW 98 Years,
    I well remember GROSSY from my Paddington days.

    It was pre-Compac Completion and GROSSY was into everything: Real Estate, Share Market and everything else that was considered marginal in those days.
    He always reminded me of that SHONKY actor in an English TV show. I cannot remember the name of the series but the actor was second hand car salesman.

    He was fun to be on shift with always telling stories.

    There are not many of us left from those early Paddo days and what a joy it was to work in that rapidly changing communications environment.
    Jim Keenan

  5. Peter Bull April 9, 2020 at 12:57 pm

    Another one of my vintage,

    I knew John well and enjoyed his company.

    He was a great do it yourself man and was capable in many fields.

    My sincere condolences to his family. Kind regards.

    Vin Gibson..

  6. Peter Bull April 9, 2020 at 1:03 pm

    I remember John well as certainly from my Eng. Branch days he impressed me from his knowledge of the system as we knew it and the way he presented it in a humorous way to all.

    I did wonder from time to time just how he was going and this announcement confirms he did survive well and lived a long life.

    Thanks .
    Allan Hennessy

  7. Peter Bull April 9, 2020 at 1:04 pm

    I liked John when I worked with/for him at Paddo ITMC in the Seventies.

    I didn’t realise he was that much older than me.

    One remembers them as one last saw them.

    RIP John

    Ron Beckett

  8. Peter Bull April 25, 2020 at 11:39 am

    I will never forget the time (circa 1978) that someone (Bruce Boardman I think) came into the Level 4 ITMC lunchroom at Paddington with a lobster that someone and had caught and cooked for him. He said “How do I eat this?”

    Well Grossy jumped up and proceeded to show him how to separate the shell from the flesh and of course Grossy had to test it along the way to make sure that it was not “off”.

    I am not sure how much of the lobster meat was consumed by the intended recipient but it was all over in what seemed like a very short time.

    Grossy always had that cheeky smile on his face after everything he did!

    Rest in peace
    Peter Bull

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