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Darryl Steer – Passed Away 6/6/23 – Aged 67 years

07 Jun 23
Peter Bull


Jules Corben has passed on the sad news of Darryl’s passing yesterday 6 June 2023. I extend my condolences to his wife (Andrea), his teenage son (Christopher) and his many friends and extended family members. Our prayers are with them all during this very sad time. Below is a better photo taken in Optus OCS, level 33 North Sydney in April 2007 (or thereabouts).


Darryl’s funeral has been booked for next Wednesday the 28th of June 2023 at 1:00 pm AEST at the Woronora Cemetery Chapel (121 Linden St, Sutherland NSW 2232) with a gravesite service at about 2:15 pm followed by a gathering (at everyone’s own cost) at The Royal Hotel, 45 East Parade, Sutherland at around 2:30pm for anyone who wants to share stories and memories of Darryl.

May He Rest In Peace.


  1. Peter Bull June 7, 2023 at 7:41 pm

    Darryl’s seniority date is 26/2/1976 which indicated that he started his career with OTC on that date.

    I joined OTC on 4/2/1971 and in December 1975 started working in Operations Branch in the International Transmission & Maintenance Centre at the OTC Cable Terminal located at 363 Oxford Street Paddington.

    I recall meeting Darryl in the early 1980s by which time he had finished his training and was working an a technical officer in Engineering Branch. He was keen and enthusiastic about working for OTC and he had a happy go lucky attitude about life and work.

    The techs who worked in Engineering and Operations had a friendly rivalry but Darryl was well respected by all of those who knew him.

    My memory of Darryl is that he always had a smile on his face and a positive attitude on life.

    Darryl moved to Operations Branch in the early 1990s where he used the skills that he learned in Engineering to develop his capabilities in Ops where he was recognized for his adaptability and flexibility never one to avoid learning something new. He was successful in this change in direction for his career.

    I also knew him when he was working for Optus in the International Operations team in the 2000s with Colin Kelly and Peter Ju at the Optus Campus at Macquarie Park NSW. He was considered to be a great asset to the team due to his knowledge and experience gained from his years in OTC as well as his great work ethic and his excellent people skills. Everyone enjoyed working with him.

    He was a gentle man with a sharp wit and an infectious smile.

    Peter Bull

  2. Peter Bull June 8, 2023 at 9:12 am

    A great loss. Maureen and I went to his house a number of times.

    Darryl was a great guy and taken before his time.

    Our sincere condolences to his family.

    Rest in peace Darryl.

    Maureen and John S Barker

  3. Peter Bull June 9, 2023 at 9:56 am

    Lesley and I were upset to hear of Darryl’s passing. He was a good friend albeit that we have not seen each other for some time.

    Bruce Boler

  4. Peter Bull June 23, 2023 at 8:58 pm

    I spent a lot of time playing squash with Darryl at the squash court in the Paddington terminal. It was a weekly get-together for 2 hours. It was as much social as it was squash. It was a group of people from all over OTC. I lost touch with Darryl after I resigned from OTC in 1987. I treasure those great times and often wished I’d kept in touch as we had great times together. A funny gentle guy that enjoyed life. I never worked directly with Darryl but we always bumped into each other. I loved the interaction. I’m so sorry that the world lost another good guy!

    Robert Brand

  5. Peter Bull June 24, 2023 at 3:20 pm

    I think Darryl jointed Optus in 2001 , a year after me.

    We worked together in International Network Management section under Colin Kelly.

    Darryl was responsible for all internal and external issues in the network, while I provided daily international voice performance statistics for all country managers. We worked quite well as a team.

    Darryl was a quiet, gentle guy and always wearing a smile. He never raised his voice at anyone.

    We had a common interest. We both interested in the share market. We spent our spare time in analysing and trading shares. Those were the happy good old days.

    He was given a redundancy a few years later.

    Darryl was taken so young.

    My sincere condolences to his family.

    Peter Ju

  6. Peter Bull June 24, 2023 at 7:03 pm

    I remember Darryl as a really nice guy.

    Chris McMahon

  7. Peter Bull June 26, 2023 at 10:45 am

    Please extend my deepest sympathy to Darryl’s family.

    Darryl and I were in the same trainee intake in 1974.

    I didn’t have a lot to do with him, but like all the guys in that year he was intelligent, civilized and loved a bit of fun.

    Greg Windsham

  8. Peter Bull June 26, 2023 at 11:54 am

    In the late eighties/early nineties, Darryl was a colleague of mine.

    Myself as a young engineer on Level 7 at 231 Elizabeth Street working with the Satellite Services team, Darryl would always give me advice to never trust the ‘cowboys’ working on Level 7, obviously ribbing some of his mates in the satellite team.

    He was such a relaxed person who was always calm and collected and never stressed at work (which is a great trait to have). He had a dry sense of humour.

    He was always keen to share his private investment strategies for making money with his fellow mates. I remember Darryl had some investment in Defence Housing back then and he shared with me his calculations (done on Lotus 123 remember that!) about guaranteed rentals for 10-15 years and he had all the calculations worked out precisely. I reckon I kept his investment printout for many many years. I always thought Darryl might have worked as an investment advisor on the side.

    Kind regards,
    Kevin Lee

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