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Keith Hungerford – Passed Away 8 May 2024 – Aged 77 years

10 May 24
Peter Bull
one comments

Gregory Sachs has relayed the sad new provided by Carole Hungerford, Keith’s wife, through Gay O’Connor.

Keith passed away in RPA hospital last Wednesday night, from a heart attack.

He had been ill on and off which was actually long COVID and was in hospital after having some infusions that made him feel stronger.  But the heart attack came, unexpectedly.

The family is shocked. It was so sudden and unexpected.

May He Rest in Peace

1 Comment

  1. Peter Bull May 13, 2024 at 3:40 pm

    About 1970, I was assigned to work in the new Ericsson ARM telephone exchange at Paddington reporting to Dave Reynolds and the engineer Keith Hungerford. I found Keith to be a very personable and engaging guy which was good for me in my new career path. After a few years in that role, I lost contact with Keith, and it is sad to hear this news. My sympathies are extended to Carole and family.

    I lived close to Keith and Carole and we had some social interaction away from work.

    I remember Keith was in a photo from my 21st birthday party, and while it isn’t a clear shot, it is all I have and some other people may recall him when they see it.

    From the left – Dave Reynolds, Terry Hulme and Keith who is mostly blocked out by a lady.

    May He Rest In Peace
    Jim Hulme

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